Saturday, July 21, 2012

A pool party with no pictures and an update.

Yesterday was a very long day.  It started with 3 hours of therapy and ended with a pool party.  In between we had pizza and did some shopping. Benaiah continues to impress his therapists and is making great improvement.  It is fun to watch how excited they get when they come out to talk to me.  He is doing as good as he did with First Steps as a baby.  They say he is a great kid and they are loving working with him. In OT, they worked on saying shapes and colors and he would repeat them but could say purple on his own. In Speech they worked on Miss Niki's kindle.  Benaiah is obsessed with cake, so they made cakes and played with a doll house.  He made her laugh when he insisted his brothers wear hair bows. The PT had Benaiah on some exercise equipment and he did great and came out jumping when he was done.The word motor planning disorder has come up and we are watching him with it.  It makes sense as he struggles at times with how to use things and Apraxia falls in there too.

After therapy, we had Pizza.  We had lots of time to waste before the pool party. Have I told you how much Benaiah loves Pizza?  Our waiter was great and he saved the day when Benaiah melted down cause he could not understand that the pizza had to cook.

Finally, the pool was a hit.  Benaiah has always loved water and he was getting quite daring with just water wings on.  I worked therapy into the pool party.  He was able to balance on these lily pad type things and did stairs up to the water slide.  He loved the water slides.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

An amazing quote

Many therapists believe that sign language is beneficial for children who have difficulty being understood. They often recommend that children attempt to say the words they are signing to practice making the necessary movements with their mouths.

People with more extreme cases of acquired apraxia may also benefit from sign language. Or they may use assistive electronic devices, including computers that can be used to produce words and sentences. 

I find this amazing as the Lord laid this on my heart when Benaiah was about 6 months old.

Benaiah's new teeth and more

Benaiah got 8 teeth repaired yesterday.  Thank God he was put under and did great.  He was so happy last night.  He ate a Popsicle(his favorite food) and said no more booboo. So now I know that his teeth were hurting him.  I feel bad as he couldn't not say his teeth hurt. Next thing on the agenda is to get his night splints.  They should be calling us on Thursday.  Benaiah wants to go to the oo(Zoo).  But after looking at the weather I think we are going to have to wait a bit.  We will see. Thanks to Signing Times, Benaiah knows all these animal signs.

A great sensory experience! Touching the sting rays.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Spreading awareness

It has come to my attention that my motives for talking about Benaiah is all for attention.  This is not the case and we are entitled to our own opinions, but I believe it is wrong to attack someone when they are not walking the same road we are. This blog is to track Benaiah's progress.  He is doing really well.  We may be adding Apraxia on his diagnosis. He has homework and is very willing to do it.  I would love to have some answers to why he has a speech problem.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Childhood stroke awareness walk

We are very excited to find that this walk is close to us.  I look forward to meeting some of my CHASA moms.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

4th of July

Waiting for the parade to start.

waving his flag like a mad man at the fire trucks

running for candy

It was so hot we cooled off in water from the fire truck.  That was fun even if Benaiah did trip and fall.  Those stinkin toes of his.

our spot on the Missouri River

the fireworks were not so great in Benaiah's mind.  He sat under a blanket.

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