Well, bad me keeps forgetting to take pictures. Benaiah has adjusted well to wearing the knee immobilizers at night. He only took 2 nights to get used to them. He is doing great with the night splints but has been sleeping with the right one off due to a blister. He loves his new shoes and inserts, they make him look huge. On another note, the fight continues with the school about Benaiah's speech therapy. Outpatient therapy was horrified when they found out he would not be having any one on one speech given how severe his speech problem is. So they called the school and since then have played phone tag with them. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but since the phone calls Benaiah's one group speech has been changed back to one on one therapy. Last Thursday Miss Nikki gave Benaiah an apraxia test and Benaiah now has an official with testing diagnosis of apraxia. I don't know how this will affect services as he needs more speech. OT also found out that pediatric stroke survivor gets better services than cp so that is now in his medical records also. My poor, poor baby. I just want him to talk, to tell me his thoughts, dreams, ect. Lord willing it will come.