Tuesday, October 2, 2012

More seizures

Benaiah decided life was not crazy enough and in the last 2 weeks has had 3 breakthru seizures-2 of which were head drops.  It scared me badly as we have not seen head drops since he was a baby last time he was in the states.  I contacted Dr O in St Louis and he got back with me.  He upped his meds again and still did not run any more tests.  I am concerned about all these break thrus and am worried that something is amiss in Benaiah's head as we had such good control for almost 6 months at one point.  Now please don't tell me how it could be so much worse as I know that but I also know that we travel internationally with him and he needs not have extra seizures.  Monday morning I got an email out of the blue from Mike W in Ukraine. I know the Lord was in this as he wrote that he believes Benaiah is going to be ok and that he looks forward to seeing us when we get back home.  I cried as Mike W knows Benaiah's medical history more than any other doctor and he truly cares for him.  The Lord sent that email to calm my heart.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow and Epilepsy can fly out of control at any time.  On another note, we have our basic final schedule for therapy and Benaiah was seen at the Hanger today to make sure his braces are fitting ok.  Ot was so happy with Benaiah progress and was thrilled that he held his pencil correctly today. Lastly, Benaiah said a 4 word sentence all on his own.  He was playing matching zoo animals on the ipad and he won.  He yelled, "Mom Look! Me one! I was so proud of his words as he is still talking at a 1-2 yr old level.  But he is coming along and now the ball is in my hand and I get to be his therapist.  He is actually doing more at his age than I believe a 4 yr old should be doing.   

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